Developing Families

Circle of Security

Circle of Security Parenting is an 8-week program designed for parents with children under age 5. Developed by Bert Powell, Glen Cooper, and Kent Hoffman, psychotherapists from Spokane, Washington, the Circle of Security theoretical framework and interventions are used to help parents all over the world. 

Based on decades of attachment research, this program can help you:

  • Learn to better understand your child's behaviors and emotional world

  • Read your child's emotional needs

  • Support your child’s ability to successfully manage emotions

  • Enhance the development of your child's self esteem

  • Honor the innate wisdom and desire for your child to be secure

  • Understand what it means to be a "good enough" parent

  • Stop blaming yourself or others, and turn over a new leaf

The following videos are from the Circle of Security International website and offer an excellent introduction to the program:


This program is wonderful for parents who have toddlers and young children with confusing and difficult behaviors. Typically, it works best for parents with children under age 5, but I have successfully helped parents with kids in elementary school as well. 


The most powerful way to experience Circle of Security Parenting is in a group of about 6-8 parents (individual or coupled). In order to maintain fidelity to the COS-P program, I use information from a DVD for about 15-30 minutes of our sessions, then spend the rest of the time in discussion. Plan for 90 minutes each session. Babies in arms are welcome to accompany parents, but parents will find it challenging to have older children in the sessions with them. 

Where: Online/Zoom

Dates and times: All dates and times are flexible, and may change based on interest. Let me know if you are interested and cannot make the proposed days and times. 


  • Week 1: Introduction to Circle of Security

  • Week 2: Exploring Our Children's Needs All the Way Around the Circle

  • Week 3: "Being With" on the Circle

  • Week 4: Being with Infants on the Circle (depending on age of children of the group)

  • Week 5: The Path to Security

  • Week 6: Exploring Our Struggles

  • Week 7: Rupture and Repair in Relationships

  • Week 8: Summary and Celebration

Circle of Security Registration Form